Bandito Brothers,

Roselyn Sanchez, Jason Cottle, Nestor Serrano, Ailsa Marshall, Gonzalo Menendez, Emilio Rivera, Dimiter Marinov, Thomas Rosales Jr., Alex Veadov, Marc Margulies

An elite team of Navy SEALs are assigned to rescue a kidnapped CIA agent from a lethal terrorist organization. The realism of the film is enhanced by the fact that the “actors” are actual active Navy SEALs. The rescue turns deadly when it becomes a full fledged terrorist attack on the US, and these valiant men are the only things that can keep us safe. We get a peek into the insides of an elite fighting force and get to witness with our own eyes, the heroism and danger these men face.

This was an interesting film that really was a hit with some people who are really into battles and military missions. For the peace lovers, not so much. For someone like me, I found myself right in the middle. Not really fascinated with the technology of killing, but still able to get into the tension and action, I found it moderately interesting. I was not blown away by it, but wasn’t terrible either. So I would recommend that if you are into military films, you probably will like this, and if you are not, go ahead an pass it by.

It was an interesting approach to use real active service men in the film. On the other hand, it could be argued that we are putting them in danger, and perhaps giving away too much information to our enemies about the technologies we use, and the techniques we undertake to protect ourselves. It’s a lot like giving the playbook to the other team before the game so they’ll know what to defend against. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

All in all, the suspense was there, and that action, certainly, but the whole concept did not really catch me, and I found it forgettable. Shortly after watching it, I couldn’t tell you much about the story, as it didn’t make that big of an impression on me. This is my own bias though, and these kinds of stories don’t get me really excited. Like I said before, if you’re a military buff, then go for it, as you’ll probably find this one of the more accurate modern military films.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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