Menageatroz, Mod Producciones, Focus Features

Javier Bardem, Maricel Álvarez, Eduard Fernández, Diaryatou Daff, Cheng Tai Shen, Guillermo Estrella, Hanaa Bouchaib, Luo Jin, Cheikh Ndiaye

Uxbal (Javier Bardem) — a divorced father raising two children was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. He is determined to atone for his life as a black marketeer in this engrossing character study that unfolds in the slums of Barcelona, Spain. Uxbal is involved in a lot of illegal activities, from human trafficking to drug dealing and everywhere in between. Uxbal has an ex-wife who is bipolar and is very abusive of the children every time he turns his back. He knows the children won’t survive with her, but as his time is running out he has to figure how to support them.

This is a highly accredited foreign film, all in Spanish. The DVD has English subtitles. The movie is L-O-N-G!!! It’s over 2 1/2 hours and for no logical reason that I can see. The story is very, very slow. It’s a dark, sad character study, and nothing seems to happen. There are long dragged out scenes of talking and talking, in Spanish, so for those of us who don’t understand it, it’s long dragged out scenes of reading and reading. I know this was nominated as best foreign film, and I know Javier Bardem was the first performer in a 100% Spanish role who was nominated for best actor, but this is not the kind of movie I can enjoy. Now I know that some people love this type of film. These are the ones who hang out at film festivals and art theaters and attend brunches where the hidden meaning of The Great Gatsby is discussed ad nauseum. Although I typically like films that make you think and have strong characters, I don’t think this really has either. Be forewarned if you want to watch it. Drink lots of coffee.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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