Cloud Atlas Productions, X-Filme Creative Pool, Anarchos Pictures,

Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Doona Bae, Ben Whishaw, Keith David, James D’Arcy, Xun Zhou, David Gyasi, Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant

Six stories span centuries, and though they seem completely separate, they tie together to show an epic story of how the past affects the future, and how lives build upon each other to change the face of humanity. This star studded adventure is very thought provoking. It’s a saga of epic proportions.

The different stories are told all at once with many time jumps from story to story. Fortunately the time periods are far enough apart that you can help identify which story you’re watching by the costumes and set design, but it is fast paced and jumps back and forth at a riotous pace. Additionally the same actors play different people in each of the eras, so it’s really hard to follow. Furthermore, you aren’t really given the answers, and it’s one of those films where you get to choose what it all means. Obviously the point is that the lives of men are interconnected and the ripples pass through time throughout the centuries. But beyond that, it’s pretty much a mystery. The film is well done. The cinematography is stunning, and the locations are spectacular. Obviously the actors are top notch. The story is just confusing.

I remember as a college student watching “2001, A Space Odyssey. I remember walking around with my roommates discussing the meaning of this film, and what the green obelisk was, and the meaning of the psychedelic ending journey stood for. It was a very enjoyable experience talking about the meaning of life as superimposed over this film. Well, Cloud Atlas is the same kind of film, with plenty of stuff to discuss about the meaning of it all. But unfortunately I’m an old man now, with no roommates to talk about while walking around campus discussing the meaning of life. So I’m left with a film that really left me wondering what it was all about. I’m too tired to figure it out, so I’ll pop the next movie into the DVD and forget about it.

So this may be the “2001” for the kids today, and if so, it’s a good fodder for young minds seeing meaning in the world. I hope it does serve that purpose. But for me, I’m afraid it’s a shrug of the shoulders, a “Oh well, I’m glad I took the time to watch it”, and time to move on. It’s nearly 3 hours long, so it’s quite a commitment.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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