Burn Later Productions,

Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick, Ron Livingston, Ti West, Jason Sudeikis, Mike Brune, Frank V. Ross

Luke (Jake Johnson) and Kate (Olivia Wilde) are co-workers in a brewery. They spend their days drinking beer and flirting with one another Though sparks fly, both of them are in serious other relationships, but when the spend the weekend together with both significant others at a lakeside retreat, things really get out of hand in this romantic comedy.

This is an interesting concept for a film, but unfortunately it wasn’t an extremely clever script. As a result, it kind of falls flat. There is a good cast of really good actors, but they can only work with what they’re given. I have heard people defend this movie as “real life” and that may be exactly the problem. Sometimes real life is kind of boring. You need a little creative writing to make it sparkle. This film just doesn’t sparkle. It’s not that funny, not that engrossing, and though they do carry of the job of getting us to know a little about the characters, nothing really exciting happens and it just kind of sits there. I can’t help but think that with a better script they could have pulled of a much better film. But it is what it is. There are some who really enjoyed it, but I didn’t find it worth the effort.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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