24P Media Group, Emmett/Furla Films, Envision Entertainment Corporation,

Liam Hemsworth, Emma Roberts, Dwayne Johnson, Michael Angarano, Nikki Reed, Shenae Grimes, Jerry Ferrara, James Ransone, Chris Diamantopoulos, Gia Mantegna, Michael Rispoli

Chris Potamitis (Liam Hemsworth) wanted to be a policeman. But when he was kicked out of the NYPD academy due to a marijuana incident with his childhood best friend Eddie (Michael Angarano), so Chris takes a job with an armored car company. The main reason he said he had for taking the job was so he could get a pistol to carry around. But as he travels around learning the ropes, he finds that their security is really lax. Discussion the terrible security practices with Eddie leads him into getting roped into an extremely high payoff job robbing his own company. Chased by detective James Ransome (Dwayne Johnson) he tries to wiggle his way out of being caught, but the mob bosses are mad and trying to figure out who pulled off this job in their territory. This sends them off on a wild chase trying to escape from everyone who is after them. This is based on a true story.

This was a somewhat interesting film, but there was just no enough to hold your attention through the whole thing. Basically shortly into the thing, it turns pretty slow and boring and doesn’t recover a whole lot. The best thing this film has going for it is the interview on the “special features” with the real Chris Potamitis who is more interesting than anyone else in this movie. Unfortunately it’s just kind of jumbled up and hard to follow all the time, and just not enough going on to keep your interest. This film was released straight to video, which is always a bad sign. This is one you can skip, unless you’re familiar with the story and want to rent the video to see the special features on how it really happened. Otherwise, not worth the time to catch this one.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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