Court Five, Haxan Films, Miscellaneous Entertainment,

Dora Madison Burge, Brian Steele, Samuel Davis, Roger Edwards

Five friends have decided on a summer camping trip in the Texas woods when a car accident in a dark and lonely place ruins their plans. But as they find out soon enough, something inhuman is hunting them down and picking them off. Horror prevails as Bigfoot turns out to be not so much of a legend as a reality. He “Exists”.

This is a low budget horror flick that just didn’t quite cut it. A little too low budget, and a little lacking in creativity. The story isn’t that strong, and the characters are not well developed. I just found it too shallow to make a difference. The setting is dreary, and the monster isn’t really all that big a deal. There is probably a reason why there haven’t been so many Sasquatch horror movies. Maybe he’s just not that scary. The other problem is that it’s another found footage films that has really been really beaten to death. I’m getting so weary of the shaky camera, no story, zero production value films, and it’s really just rather boring. I was definitely not impressed and my recommendation is to leave this one alone. Skip it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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