Fox 2000 Pictures, Parkes+MacDonald Image Nation,

Zach Galifianakis, Isla Fisher, Jon Hamm, Gal Gadot, Michael Liu, Maribeth Monroe

Jeff Gaffney (Zach Galifianakis) and his wife Karen (Isla Fisher) are about the coolest family in the neighborhood. But when the empty house was sold to new people and when they moved in, Tim Jones (Jon Hamm) and Natalie (Gal Gadot) were about the most perfect couple anyone had ever seen. Jeff was out to make friends right away, but Karen was a bit concerned that something didn’t seem right. But Karen was right as it turned out that they were out after criminal mastermind, Scorpion (Patton Oswalt) But before they know it, curiosity killed the cat, and Jeff and Karen are in deep in the middle of the incident and they have no clue whether the neighbors are the good guys or the bad guys.

This rather humorous little spy film is a lot of fun. It’s got a lot of the same gags and plot moves that most of these types of movies have, but the delightful thing about this one is the quality of the performances of everybody in the cast. Zach can really get on your nerves if he’s not in the right role, but this one suited him perfectly as he played it neither too goofy or too straight, but followed the line of a normal guy who is in over his head. He did a great job. Isla Fisher is one of my favorites though, and she was also very good in this role. These are the most well suited roles for them I have seen. Jon Hamm was nearly perfect in his role of the guy who hates his job, but knows he has to make the best of it. He plays a very sarcastic Tim Jones in a very Patrick Warburton kind of way and was very good as well. Gal Gadot I was not so familiar with, but she play Boris’ Natasha in a very good portrayal of the foreign spy girl who keeps her husband on his toes. All in all, it was a very good story played by an excellent cast, and I am surprised this this wasn’t bigger in the theater. But this is a perfect rental, and very much worth watching, so give them some support by renting this and have a very enjoyable evening laughing with them throughout. Yes, you’re going to figure out what’s going to happen early on, but it’s still a great deal of fun to watch it evolve.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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