Blumhouse Productions, IM Global Octane, Reliance,

Emily Browning, Xavier Samuel, Cam Gigandet, Dawn Olivieri, Thomas Dekker, Frances Fisher, Elizabeth Peña, Brandon Jay McLaren

Hayley is a singer and a songwriter and a wife and mother. But she just lost her brother and collaborator and is grieving, when suddenly she meets a talented guitarist who wants to help her get back on track in her career. But he’s obsessed with her and she soon finds out he wants much more than to just make music with her. This creepy suspense will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Emily Browning does a pretty good job as Haley, the girl who is something to everybody. She does a good job of displaying the frustration of everybody wanting something from her. When she finally finds someone to help her through it, it turns around and he’s the one demanding the most from her. The story is very suspenseful, and has you on the edge of your seat. The best part is perhaps the story itself. The screenplay is a good one. There is a pretty decent rock score as well. This is sort of like Fatal Attraction is some ways but the twists and turns in the end as we find out what really happened turns everything around and suddenly it all makes sense. I was pleasantly surprised with this movie, and it’s a decent suspenseful erotic thriller with a rock and roll bend.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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