Dimension Films, DZE, Brad Grey Pictures,

Charlie Sheen, Molly Shannon, Lindsay Lohan, Simon Rex, Ashley Tisdale, Jerry O’Connell, Kate Walsh, Heather Locklear, Roland Powell, Chris Elliott, Katt Williams, Terry Crews, Erica Ash, Marisa Saks

Dan Sanders (Simon Rex) and his wife Jody (Ashley Tisdale) bring home their lost nieces and nephew into their home to raise as their own. But as time passes paranormal things quickly escalate so that they place hidden cameras around the house to find out what is going on. This naturally reveals that they are being haunted by a demon who is after the children. The Scary Movie franchise is back to spoof the latest horror films in pop culture, such films as Black Swan, the Paranormal Activity films, Hunger Games, Inception, and many others.

The Wayans brothers are gone, Anna Faris is gone, but a bunch of new stars have signed on for this joke-o-rama. This is a typical Scary Movie movie, like the 4 that came before it, although this one is a bit more movie satire and a lot less really gross stuff like some of the older one have been. Very much like Airplane spoofed the Airport movies, this one sticks to skewering the films and a little less with the most disgusting stuff. Yet it’s funny. I don’t know why I like these kinds of movies. But I have always been a sucker for satire, ever since the days when I was a kid who read every issue of Mad Magazine. Some of the funniest things I remember are things I learned from Mad. These movies aren’t going to give you much learning, or life lessons, but it is kind of an enjoyable evening watching this film, and trying to identify the films they’re lampooning. Not much redeeming social value, but just giggly fun. If you’re a fan of these types of movies, then this is pretty good. If you find them sophomoric and stupid, then that’s what this is too. So it’s up to you. I found it really humorous and enjoyed watching it very much, but I have a funny spot for these satirical movies.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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