Emperor Motion Pictures,

Jay Chou, Nicholas Tse, Ling Peng, Bing Bai, Andy On, Carl Ng, Jared Robinsen

Jon (Jay Chou) is a agent on a mission to pick up and escort a dangerous criminal to another country. On the way, a traitor turns on him and Jon is shot in the head, and has a serious prognosis. He finds out from his Mother that he has a brother who lived with his father in Malaysia, so Jon heads out to visit his brother who is involved with a criminal group who is threatening the world with a dangerous virus which can be used to blackmail country leaders to bid for the cure. The brothers unite and try to stop the group from releasing the virus in this action thriller.

This is a foreign film, partly Chinese and partly in English, but with subtitles throughout. The action is non-stop. It’s a run and gun thriller to the nth degree. However it does suffer from some of the things a foreign film tends to have. Not all of it makes a whole lot of sense. It’s a bit disjointed, and made me wonder why did they do that, a number of times. Also, it seems odd that a couple of brothers would be out fighting a couple of bad guys over viruses that would terrorize and infect the entire world. Normally it’s a huge world health organization out fighting to preserve the health of the world, not just a couple brothers. It’s like a mixture of movie types. It just made me wonder all the way through. Geez, guys, get some help! But all in all it was a high action adventure, and if you’re a fan of these high energy flicks, then this is probably one worth watching, as it has a lot of action and is much better than a lot of other foreign attempts to copy Vin Diesel. But for the most part, it wasn’t that interesting and I found myself bored, as I like a bit more story, and less gunfire in my films. So I’m rather ambivalent on this one, not hot or cold, just kind of left lukewarm on it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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