Escape Artists, LStar Capital, Media Rights Capital,

Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Rob Corddry, Ellie Kemper, Rob Lowe, Jack Black, Randall Park

Annie (Cameron Diaz) and Jay (Jason Segel) were a hot pair in their early days, but 10 years and 2 kids later things have gone stale. They still love each other, but are just too tired for much alone time. They just want to get the spark back, but their secret rendezvous goes wrong a bunch of different ways and they’re about to give up. But then Annie has an idea. Let’s make a home-made sex tape featuring all the positions in the joy of sex in a three hour marathon. But naturally Jay is hesitant to delete it, and his backup software sync’s it along with his music collection, to all their friends. So now they’re on a mission to figure out how to recapture it before anyone sees it.

This is a raunchy romantic comedy featuring two guys who aren’t afraid to let it all hang out. It’s not real naughty, but there’s lots of skin, and some really adult topics, so it’s really worthwhile to respect the R rating this film earned. But for all of us who have seen the years chip away the love life we once knew, we’ll identify with their problem. They are both very comfortable actors, so they fit into the role seamlessly and it seems natural to them. Rob Lowe has a supporting role as a possible future boss to Annie, and he’s mastered the quirky off the wall guy from Parks and Recreation that allows him to really play this unexpected and unpredictable part. You never know what he’s going to come out with next. All in all, it a typical race to stop someone from getting something they shouldn’t that is always pretty much the same. But they really have a lot of fun with this film, it’s obvious, and it’s funnier than most, even if it is a bit racy from time to time. I still enjoyed it, and if you’re comfortable with the R content, I recommend this for a loose and light comedy.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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