Universal Pictures, Media Rights Capital, Gambit Pictures

Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Anthony Mackie, Terence Stamp, John Slattery, Michael Kelly, Anthony Ruivivar

David Norris (Matt Damon) is a congressman, who has just lost a bid for the Senate, but seems to be an up and coming politician. In preparing for his concession speech, he is hiding out in the mens room practicing his speech when he hears a noise in a stall. Out walks Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt), a ballerina, who is hiding out from security after crashing a wedding and nearly getting caught. The sparks immediately fly, and based on her input, David is inspired and gives a whale of a speech. Later, accidentally, he bumps into her again on the bus, and she gives him her number. But someone, an “organization” intercepts him and informs him that he can never see her again. He is not about to accept that, so he sets out on a quest taking years and years trying to find her again.

Do we have free will really, or are our lives planned out in advance for us? The Adjustment Bureau is a group who makes sure that certain events happen in the world according to the plan, even if we need a random event now and then to push us in the right direction. Is that coffee we spill, or that bus we miss just an accident, or some event in the master plan? That is what this movie explores. It is very exciting, but it is also a very good romantic story as well. I really bought the connection between Matt and Emily. It was a very good story. I really enjoyed the ride! The suspense in this film was great. It has a very unique chase scene that is quite exciting. It keeps you guessing all the way through. I really recommend this film for fans of suspense, supernatural thrillers, science fiction type films. This will remind you of films like The Matrix or Inception and other things along those lines. I felt it was one of the strongest performances for Matt Damon, much like the Borne films, but much more caring and human. I recommend this film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Movie Review - The Adjustment Bureau (2011) {PG-13}, 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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    Ed's Review Dot Com » This Week on DVD – 06/21/2011 said

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