Cliffbrook Films, Onset Films,

Melanie Papalia, David Schlachtenhaufen, Matt Riedy, Adam Shapiro

Elizabeth Benton (Melani Papalia) is a young woman who takes on the task of studying what people do on chat rooms and web cams. She joins up and basically keeps the camera on all the time. But when she realizes she has witnessed a murder, and tries to notify the police, she realizes that she is in way over her head and has lost control of the situation. She gets her boyfriend to help her try to solve the case, but as the bodies start to pile up, she can see it’s way out of hand.

This is a relatively creepy psycho thriller much like many others of this “computer hacker terror” horror film, and it is relatively scary. Even the acting isn’t all that horrible, even though this is real low budget. The biggest problem I had with this one is that the vast majority of the movie is either a computer screen, and smart phone screen, or video from a web cam, and it’s all very hard to watch and keep up with. It’s more of a cyber horror film that might be more suited to watch on your smart phone. It’s available for streaming, but I can’t see much more value. The tiny screen might actually help this one out a bit. If you are a big fan of horror films, and you can sit through things like this, then you have nothing to lose, but just don’t be expecting to be wowed by this movie, as it’s really only half way there. I have seen much worse, but I’ve also seen a lot better.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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