Insurge, Paramount Pictures

Fernanda Andrade, Simon Quarterman, Evan Helmuth, Suzan Crowley, Bonnie Morgan

A young girl, Isabella Rossi (Fernanda Andrade) is troubled over events that happened in her home back when she was a little girl. Something was wrong with her mother, and two priests and a nun were murdered by her mother, and she was found incompetent for trial and sent to a mental hospital, later transferred to a mental facility in Rome. Isabella has just found out that the murders were committed during an exorcism, so Isabella takes off for the Vatican to visit her mother and learn as much as she can from the School of Exorcism. During her visit, very bad things happen in this very terrifying horror movie.

This is one scary film. It has a lot of frightening moments when they are conducting exorcisms and it has a lot of loud jumps and noises that also send the audience into screams. The contortions of the victims is very graphic and it is very hard to watch. I saw this in a large theater that was packed with people on opening weekend. Show after show was sold out, and at the 12:01AM show Thursday night, they had to add additional shows at 12:30 because all of the shows were sold out.

The reviews for this film are either awful, or not so bad, but why are the theaters so packed? Well, people just like to be scared. But this is haunted house Halloween type scaring where you are more startled than really fearful, but it is also very creepy, and if you’re a horror fan, it’s not all that bad at all. The problem with Exorcism films is that there is not much more you can do with it that hasn’t already been done. You know what’s going to happen and what to expect. So they have to resort to cheap bangs and screams to make you jump. But that’s exactly what we horror fans love about these kinds of films.

So I do have to say that I did enjoy this film. It was especially nice watching the reaction of the whole theater. People jumping out of their seats from being scared. The screaming was incredible.

The thing most people find irritating about this film is the ending. I won’t spoil it, but it’s exactly what you would have to do to end this. This is one of those “Based on real events” movies, which means that someone somewhere was involved in an exorcism, and the entire movie is pure fiction! This means that they have to set up a make believe website where you can investigate the “real” events of the event. Well, you have to be careful how to end the film, not to spoil the website. I don’t have a gripe with the ending. I certainly didn’t see it coming, but I was satisfied that it was a proper ending to the story. I don’t feel cheated by it at all.

If you’re a horror fan, and like to be frightened, this is certainly pretty good at supplying that. If you’re looking for something with more depth and story, then this is pretty shallow.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Movie Review - The Devil Inside (2012) {R}, 1.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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