Stage 6 Films, RCR Media Group, March On Productions,

Cuba Gooding Jr., Cole Hauser, Jonathan LaPaglia, Ginny Weirick, Drew Waters, Sean Cook, Michael Papajohn, J.P. O’Shaughnessy, David Andriole, Matt Beckham, Brandon O’Neill, Holt Boggs

Allen Campbell (Cole Hauser) is having the worst day of his entire life. It starts when he misses the promotion that he is entitled to and has been promised for a young upstart who doesn’t deserve it. Then he gets home early to find his wife in the bedroom with his best friend. So he heads to the bar in the middle of the afternoon to try to drink the bar dry of Jack Daniels when he tries to start a conversation with a silent man named Jonas Arbor, (Cuba Gooding Jr.) who is a somewhat retired professional hit man. Jonas is not in the mood but when Alan makes a comment about feeling like a human punching bag, Jonas decides to talk to him. They set out on a theoretical list of the 5 people Allan would like to see dead. Allan see’s it as a game, and plays along, but when people on the list start dying in order, Detective McKay (Jonathan LaPaglia is quite suspicious and Allan’s alibi is so far fetched and everything points to him.

This is a surprising cat and mouse story. Very Alfred Hitchcockish…this film is no doubt one you missed, and a hidden gem that ought to be taken out and given another look. All the evidence points to Allan, yet we know it’s not his fault, but on the other hand, maybe he is to blame. Suddenly he wishes he never made the damn list! This is truly suspenseful, and surprisingly Cuba Gooding carries the heavy weight and deep dark secrets and surprises until he lets us know the truth at the right moments. This is a roller coaster ride, and we all feel completely out of control along with Alan as his world implodes all around him and try his damnedest he’s unable to put a halt to it.

This film gathered cobwebs until it was just released on DVD, and gosh, I hope people give it a chance, as it’s way better than I could have ever guessed. This is not the Cuba Gooding from “Snow Dogs”, “Boat Trip” or the gosh awful “Norbit” but he plays this multi dimensional part evil, part desperate bad guy perfectly. I would never have cast him in a role this heavy, but he proves he can handle it 100%. I was impressed. There are so many facets of this film, and I am very certain if you take the opportunity to watch it, like me, you will be impressed with this quality of this hidden gem!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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