Bona Fide Productions, Echo Films, Mandate Pictures

Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman, Thomas Robinson, Jeff Goldblum, Patrick Wilson, Juliette Lewis, Scott Elrod, Todd Louiso, Caroline Dhavernas, Kelli Barrett

Kassie (Jennifer Aniston) and Wally (Jason Bateman) are best friends. I think it’s clear that both of them would like to be more than friends, but Wally has an aversion to anything getting serious. In fact, he’s a very negative person, quite the pessimist and a hypochondriac, looking for the worst possible outcome of any situation and as a result has determined a life living alone. Meanwhile Kassie is also very unlucky in love and has decided that it’s time to have a child without a daddy. But the thought of walking into a sperm back and picking an anonymous donor with no history does not appeal to her. Kassie sets out to look everywhere for the perfect donor while Kassie’s friend Debbie (Juliette Lewis) decides to throw her a big conception party and invited all their friends. Wally shows up and feeling depressed takes a mind altering substance (herbal) and a LOT of drinks and ends up making a dreadful switch of his sample for the one from the donor. Naturally he was so drunk he can’t remember what happened that night, and everyone goes on not knowing that Kassie’s son is really Wally’s. Seven years later they meet again, and Wally can’t help but notice that 6 year old Sebastian is a LOT like him.

This is an unusual romantic comedy as it is told from the guy’s point of view. Wally knows he has to make this right, but he knows that by trying he’s going to lose everything. This is also an awesome cast. Jennifer Aniston is perfect as Kassie and she’s so adorable as this desperate woman who wants to be a mom more than anything. Jason Bateman is also wonderful as Wally as he can play this kind of pessimistic, fearful, and afraid guy very well. The two nutty friends are also perfect. Juliette Lewis plays a ditzy Debbie that is a wonderful friend to Cassie but takes things a bit too far sometimes. Her role was very small, but it was expanded for her to improve the film a lot. Also Wally’s friend is Leonard played by Jeff Goldblum. This character is a nervous version of his “Jurrasic Park” role who gives Wally good advice, but in a very understated way with great Jeff Goldblum lines like, “That’s good. You did I good thing, I think”. The cast is excellent. But perhaps is the 6 year old Sebastian (Thomas Robinson) who does a fantastic job in a very big role in the latter part of the movie. All in all, this is a nice film, and I enjoyed it a lot. I recommend it for when you’re in the mood for a light romantic comedy for a change.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Movie Review - The Switch (2010) {PG-13}, 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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