Golden Ring Productions,

Ed Quinn, Magda Apanowicz, Holly Elissa, Ryan Grantham

This may be the last post on EdsReview. The end of the world is today, December 21, 2012 according to the Mayan prophecy. Ok, probably not, but this film is about the prophecy and the end of the world. Joseph (Ed Quinn) and his wife Mary (Holly Elissa) are raising the children Jaycee (Magda Apanowicz) and Peter (Ryan Grantham) in the little town of Calvary. {I’m serious, J.C., I mean Jaycee, is the chosen one who can save the town} Seriously, horrible pestilence starts pummeling the town due to the ancient Mayan prediction of the end of the world. Grandma gives Jaycee a ring, and then promptly is killed by a falling ice shard from the sky. The disaster after disaster hits and will keep hitting, unless Jaycee and her parents find other rings that have been buried in the area to prevent the destruction of the world.

This film is the largest premier film on the SyFi cable channel in it’s history. With all the syrupy sweet Christmas movies of people falling in love, turning their hearts to celebrate Christmas, and visiting other alternate time lines, this is a rip roaring disaster movie full of excitement and suspense for the end of the world as we know it. Mixing the supposed Mayan prophecy of the end of time with the Christmas song “12 Days of Christmas” we end up with a fun disaster film. Now, this is certainly cheesy. It’s certainly very far fetched, and it’s a great distraction from the typical Christmas stuff. So lets go out and find the 5 golden rings before it’s too late. It seems when Cortez attacked the Mayans, they were afraid this important prophecy would be lost, so they started a song to make sure the legend continued. Yep, “A partridge in a pear tree” has distinctive meanings to the end of the world! Tee-hee. Hey, don’t take this stuff too seriously. This is supposed to be fun!

Here is the home page for this 2012 end of the world Christmas adventure.

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** The 12 Disasters of Christmas (2012), 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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