Insight Film Studios

Jamie Ray Newman, Michael Shanks, Conan Graham, Ingrid Torrance, Russell Porter, Burkely Duffield

Tom Chandler (Conan Graham) is a loving and devoted father to Jonathan (Burkely Duffield), and a loving husband to Susan (Jaime Ray Newman), but when he is suddenly killed in a car accident, he left them in a difficult place. Not enough insurance, and no way to pay the mortgage and keep up with the expenses, makes life hard. Together Jonathan and his Dad try to make life better for his Mom in order to be able to go on. They arrange for Susan to enter a radio show dating game so she can find someone. She’s leaning toward a lawyer named Greg (Russell Porter), but father and son determine that Kevin (Michael Shanks), a widower and Jonathan’s former ice hockey coach is a better fit. Now to convince her.

This is a Christmas ghost story. It’s odd how many people are killed in Christmas movies and how many times they come back, either as an angel, or a ghost, to set things right. This is another one. It’s a pretty fair little love story. It’s about home and family, and how to survive a terrible tragedy. It’s a bit of a tear jerker, naturally, and it is a bit sappy. But for a good Christmas romantic story, this is a decent member of that genre. It’s emotional, and touches the heart strings, but it is a pretty good story.

Definitely lots of Christmas spirit and plenty of sweetness and sugar.

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