** With Love, Christmas

The Hallmark Channel,

Emilie Ullerup, Aaron O’Connell

Melanie Welch (Emille Ullerup) is an ad executive who is really into Christmas and the secret Santa in the office. She is assigned to work with a really introverted co-worked Donovan (Aaron O’Connell) on a new commercial for the newest cell phone. But he is also secret Santa for him and wants to get to know him to find the perfect gift. Not wanting to tip him off, she works hard at misdirecting him, and he’s sure someone else is his secret Santa, but Melanie starts really falling for him and finds herself getting really jealous after all.

This is a nice little holiday movie, but unfortunately nothing really special. At least they two leads are not those we see over and over again, and so they are a fresh pair, and they do seem to have a nice chemistry between them. It’s just that there’s no hook to this film to bring you in, and nothing really special happens. Mostly this is just a straight forward rom-com with no edge. It’s sweet enough, and fills 2 hours of TV time, but there’s no real reason to seek this film out. If you happen to run across it, go ahead and watch as it’s harmless fluff, but not worth the effort seeking on it’s own merit.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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