Cayre Brothers, Jetlag Productions,

Tony Ail, Nathan Aswell, Chera Bailey, Kathleen Barr, Lillian Carlson, Garry Chalk

This retelling of Dickens A Christmas Carol is done by Jetlag productions and is a very close in following the original story. It’s the classic tale of the redemption of Ebenezer Scrooge a tight-fisted old miser who learns the meaning of Christmas during the visit of 4 ghosts.

If you’re a follower of Ed’s Review, then you must know that I am a huge fan of this story. I think this Christmas ghost story written by Dickens is nearly the perfect story. The story of how and why he wrote it is also a great story, and at the times in England when it was written, Christmas had nearly been lost altogether and was treated by most as just another day. Dickens needed the cash really bad, and wrote this story as a fund raiser and in the process created a gem. He spent nearly every Christmas of the rest of his life reading this story out loud and in character voices to the public who couldn’t seem to get enough of it. This is nice, concise little retelling of the story that is very nicely done. It’s only 48 minutes, but captures all the main parts of the story very accurately. The entire book is not that long to begin with. It keeps the original language mostly, updating a few words here and there that are hard to understand for the younger folk, but mostly staying true to the text. Not tremendously scary in the “future” section, it nails the story without the unnecessary horror that some versions throw in. It’s moving, but not horrifying. This is good version for children to get to know the story and then they can appreciate all the dozens and dozens of other versions of the story that have been told. I really enjoyed this pure version of Dickens masterpiece, and would recommend it to anyone who loves the story.

Here is one of the original songs from the film:

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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