Maple Island Films

Andrea Roth, Nicholas Brendon, Elisa Donovan, Bruce Davison, Alley Mills

Jessica (Andrea Roth) and Michael (Nicholas Brendon) spent a wonderful summer together as children. At the end of the summer, they buried a time capsule. Jessica grew up to be a successful prosecutor, but she decided to come back home for Christmas, for the first time in many years. She is getting nostalgic about the best summer of her life and wanted to find the time capsule, but she can’t remember where it is buried. She has decided to move back home and buy the house, but the sad thing is that her parents have already signed a contract to sell the house to someone else. Jessica decides to use all the skills in her arsenal to sabotage the sale of the house so she can have it for herself.

This is the first of two Golden Christmas films, and by far the better. It’s a bit corny, that’s true, but it’s a nice family movie. The story is simple, but charming. It’s a good family, and it’s nice that the sisters are so close. The typical hate relationship between these two friends who don’t initially recognize each other builds and builds until they finally get the secret and decide to start working together. The Golden Retriever has a small role in the film, and I assume this is where the title comes from, but all in all it’s a cute story of Christmas in a pretty little town in a woodland setting. The scenery is beautiful and it’s nice that we get to spend Christmas with them. Nothing really outstanding here, but it’s just a sweet and simple Christmas tale. Look for this one on TV at Christmas.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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** A Golden Christmas (2009) , 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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