** Alone for Christmas

The Asylum,

David DeLuise, Kevin Sorbo, Davis Cleveland, Natalie Jane, John Kenward

A family has two dogs, but they’re headed to Grandma’s house. They’re taking the little dog Columbus with them, but Bone is just too big, so Dad drops him off at a pretty sketchy doggie hotel. But when Bone finds out that thieves are planning to rob the house, Bone busts out to head home to find his “Bite”. Columbus gets word of the heist and runs away to help his house buddy Bone. What follows is a Home Alone like doggie version.

This is a movie that kids will probably really enjoy. But oh man is it silly. First of all, the talking dogs with the CGI mouth moving stuff is kind of irritating. Following the Home Alone theme, the dogs plan prank pratfalls for the robbers who get all the usual Kevin style burns, bonks, and major hurt, but the execution of having dogs set a trap is pretty hokey. Anyone over about 12 will probably get bored silly with this movie. The acting is pretty bad, and the jokes are pretty bad too. The owner if the dog boarding house is actually the funniest character in the film, but he’s only got a little bit of screen time. Other than that, it’s just a pretty silly plot. As I said in the start, I believe the kids will enjoy this one, and it’s certainly a good family film, but adults will no doubt think, like I do, that it’s just silly.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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