Bernholz Entertainment, ARO Entertainment, Feifer Worldwide

Dean Cain, Lana, Gary Valentine, Michael Healy, mario Lopez, Elisa Donovan, Charlie Stewart, Sierra McCromick, Mindy Sterling, Joey Diaz

This is one of the few really bad movies I’ve watched this year.  And there’s a new 2010 sequel that isn’t any better.  This movie is Home Alone: Doggy Kevin.  Zeus is a dog in the pound with very little going for him.  He can’t bark.  But Dad wants to bring a dog home for the kids, and Mom says no.  So Dad brings the doggie home anyway, and this old yeller dog (Old Yeller look alike I guess) gets into all kinds of trouble so the Mom finally decides the dog will stay “home alone” while they visit Grandma’s house, and naturally the two crooks (neither one as clever as Joe Pesci) decide to break in because there is no one home, and obviously no dog.  Then the dog starts banging on the guys with traps and tricks ala Macauley Caulkin.   There is nothing going on here as the tricks are stupid and not very clever (unlike the movie they ripped off), and the crooks are neither funny or clever, nor are they anything but corny.   There’s just not much going on at all.

Then to top it off, we get to watch Zeus the dog staring into the camera while Mario Lopez hams it up and over acts the voice in Zeus’ head so we have to hear it,” Look Who’s Talking” style.  This is one I would give a pass, and I’m sure it won’t be on my watch list next year!

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** The Dog Who Saved Christmas (2009), 2.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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