Chesler/Perlmutter Productions,

Kate Boland, Neil Whitely, Penny Eizenga, Shenae Grimes-Beech, Steve Lund, Miranda Millar, Jane Moffat, Hannah Spear

Riley Vance (Kate Borland) is hired as the personal assistant for William Young (Neil Whitely) who just recently inherited the corporation from his father who recently passed. His first big decision is to close a small town toy factory that their company owns as it is currently losing money. But Riley convinces him to visit the plant first before making a decision. The problem is that William just doesn’t like the holidays and a small town Merry Christmas is driving him nuts. Plus Riley has a very big secret that is bound to get found out sooner or later.

This is not the greatest of Hallmark Christmas movies, but it’s a typical cute little Rom-Com. The problem is that there is such a demand for new Christmas stories, and just so many stories to tell. They’ve all been used up. Perhaps this is why this one was put on so early in the season. But the little town is charming, and the Christmas decorations and atmosphere are stunning. Trouble is that the chemistry between the leads is not so great. It’s hard to believe that they really belong together. But it was a pleasant holiday tale, and the townsfolk are pretty nicely done. The mayor is a bit of a character who understands that saving the toy factory is critical to the survival of the town. The others are also very well played. It’s light and charming, and it’s new, so I don’t see why not to enjoy it. But if time is limited, check out one of the others.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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