Obama’s America Foundation,

Dinesh D’Souza

Dinesh D’Souza (who?) studied Obama’s book, then set out to do some research about where he came from and how he was raised, and then tried to put together a theory of where he might intend to go in the next four years after his re-election where there is no need to tone things down to get re-elected. This is not a very good documentary, and I think it deserved to sink in the quicksand. The first part about the history of Barack Obama is fairly interesting. I suppose a lot of it is true as it’s based solely on Obama’s autobiography, so how far off could he go. But he spent almost all the time of the movie in working through the history, and neglected to talk about what the title of the movie describes. When he went into the things Obama “might” do if he gets four more years, was very short, very choppy, and so far fetched that it’s not likely any of it will happen. There’s no doubt that whatever happens in the election (which as I’m writing this is a bit more than 2 weeks away) but there is no way this guy is predicting any of it. I’m not sure what the agenda. It’s obvious he doesn’t support Obama, but he’s not all that critical either. It gives the illusion of being fair followed up by a quick run through the alley of far out predictions that leaves us wondering what was the point. Why not make the documentary about where he came from, and leave out the far out conjecture of what might be if he is given free hand to do anything he wants. That’s not going to happen. I think it’s a waste of time, and this documentary can be skipped. I didn’t care for it very much at all.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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    2016 Obamas America Trailer for movie review at http://www.edsreview.com | The Most Shared YouTube Viral Movies said

    November 10 2012 @ 1:31 am

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