Chaos Squared, Harrington Talents, Sideshow Pictures,

Bill Moseley, Danielle Harris, Nate Dushku, Samantha Siong, Anthony Marks, Billy Magnussen

Mary Hachett was an insane loony-bin patient who was raped by a night guard, had a baby, but escaped and was killed years ago, but every year on “Blood Night” the high school students would celebrate the memory of this horrible event. But this year is worse than usual as bodies start to pile up at the wild parties held on Blood Night. Or maybe it was the seance that the kids held with a Ouija Board on top of Mary’s grave that started all the killing? Any way, for the kids on Long Island who survive the night, this year’s Blood Night will be one to remember.

This is a fairly decent teen slasher flick that is full of lots of blood and guts, clever methods of disposing people, and lots of teen girls with little or no clothing. Everything that the likes of Friday the 13th has is bundled into this film. I was waiting for this DVD for a long time due to the fact that I’m a horror movie fan at heart, and suddenly it showed up on “Watch Instantly” on Netflix and I was able to stream this while waiting for my next shipment of disks. Well, I did not expect too much from it, and I was pleasantly surprised. It’s not that bad at all. Certainly there’s a ton of films just like this, but this one has a nice back story, lots of good performances and real screams and terror, and lots of blood and guts. It’s well worth the download.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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