Dark Sky Films, ArieScope Pictures

Danielle Harris, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder, Parry Shen, Tom Holland, R.A. Mihailoff, AJ Bowen, Alexis Peters, Ed Ackerman

Hatchet 2 picks up exactly where the first one left off. Marybeth (Danielle Harris) escaped from the bayou and seeks help in going back to discover the bodies of her family and to find and seek revenge on the horrible creature who killed them. Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder) is the deformed monster killer, and this movie gives us a lot of the back story on how he became the monster he is. Marybeth seeks the help of Reverend Zombie (Tony Todd ) who is a con artist/tour guide who sent the group into the swamp in the first place, who promises to help her to get revenge on Victor Crowley. The Reverend in turn requires the help of a lot of other characters to go back into the swamp and prove it is safe so he can resume his tour business. But he may have other motives as well! Who can Marybeth trust?

This is an old school slasher flick ala Haloween or Friday the 13th. In that respect, it’s fairly low budget (however much improved over the first one) and has a pretty decent cast. It has lots of gory deaths and blood and guts, but that’s exactly what we’d expect in a move of this genre. You get exactly what you pay for in this respect. It’s a slasher through and through with some very unique weapons and methods of dying. Not a bad film at all, but a low budget B film, it’s a fun little adventure and if you’re into horror films, especially of the slasher variety, you can’t go wrong with this little sequel.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Movie Review - Hatchet 2 (2010) {UR}, 3.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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    Ed's Review Dot Com » Movie Review – Hatchet (2006) {R} said

    August 12 2011 @ 11:02 am

    […] have been waiting to see Hatchet for some time since I viewed the newly released Hatchet2. This story is not too bad either. The two work together. Marybeth has some unresolved issues with […]

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