Atomic Monster, Grey Matter Productions, New Line Cinema,

Teresa Palmer, Gabriel Bateman, Alexander John DiPersia, Rolando Boyce, Alicia Vela-Bailey, Maria Bello

Young Martin (Gabriel Bateman) lives alone with his Mom Sophie (Maria Bello) since his father was savagely killed. Sophie is a bit crazy, having spent a time in a mental institution, but Martin thinks something worse is happening at night when it’s dark, and he’s been falling asleep in class because he is unable to sleep at home. The school calls his half sister Rebecca (Teresa Palmer) to pick him up, and though she left her mother years ago, she comes back to help the family battle some real demons in one of the most horrific horror films of 2016.

This is a very terrifying piece of film making by David F. Sandberg who apparently made a short film version of this story in 2013. He expanded it to a hour and 21 minutes which must have taken a lot of effort. I would love to see the short film, as it sounds really good from what I’ve heard about it, but this feature version suffers from the lack of material. That is the weak point of this movie, and it shows a lack of depth in the story. We don’t get enough of the back story, nor is it clear what it’s all about. There are many ways this could have developed, but the intent was I’m sure to leave you guessing. The threat appears to be gone, but we don’t really know what quite happened to make this all possible. But setting that aside, it is a really terrifying movie, and one that will certainly scare the bejezus out of you. It’s done with real suspense and horror but has excellent sound effects and jump scares as well that are actually pretty well done. I am really glad I went to see this film, as it was really fun, even though it could have been better with a bit more material, perhaps. Still, it made me jump. At one point there is some strange noise going on in another room behind us, and the sounds that were coming out of the back left speakers made everyone in the theater turn around and look to see what the heck was going on back there. About the time we figured out it was part of the film. we turned back to the front and got slammed. It was one of the cleverest horror moments I’ve ever experienced. This was about a 2/3 full theater, and the crowd, including us, screamed a couple times which shows that it was really worth it. If you love horror, ignore the haters and watch this.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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