XYZ Films, Resolute Films and Entertainment, Zapruder Films,

Matt Johnson, Owen Williams, Josh Boles, Ray James, Andy Appelle, Jared Raab, Sharon Belle, Kirsta Madison, Joe J. Thomas, Tom Bolton, Johnny Osmorkrovic, Chris Gonsalves

Matt Johnson and Owen Williams play two NASA operatives who are searching for a mole inside the CIA that might be giving secrets to the Russians. It’s 1967 and in the middle of the cold war, as well as the space race. Russia has launched Sputnik and President Kennedy has decided to do whatever it takes to put a man on the moon. But during the “mole searching” they overhear a conversation that the U.S. is nowhere near ready to land a man on the moon, and this shakes them to the core. But they hatch a plan to fake the moon landing on a Hollywood stage, and use the fact that Stanley Kubrick is actually filming a fictional movie about the Space Race, so they sign on as “NASA advisors” to learn how to make a fake space landing on the sound stage.

This movie was a real blast for the guys who made it. It was not that much fun to sit through though. I don’t have any problem with a fictional film about the fake moon landing, and I do believe the research that they did was sufficient to tell the story. It’ just the way they told it. The who movie was pretty much ad libbed on the set, and I guess that shows. Lots of it was disjointed and hard to follow, and it was just not that well done. It was a great concept, and an interesting idea, but the execution lacked too much to pull it off. I put this movie in my queue because it looked like it would be better than it actually turned out to be. Since there really wasn’t much of a script, the whole thing jumped around and wasn’t very coherent. I think this was a missed opportunity, and hopefully this might get remade with a budget and a script writer and be a much better film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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