Columbia Pictures, Gary Sanchez Productions, Mosaic Media Group

Derek Jeter, Samuel L Jackson, Dwayne Johnson, Eva Mendes, Larnell Stovall, Jalil Jay Lynch, Roy T Anderson, Damon Wayans Jr., Michael Keaton, Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg

Two dysfunctional detectives, not the cities finest, grab an opportunity to step up like the city’s top cops who they admire, but it doesn’t go too well. Terry (Mark Wahlberg) was on game day security detail and accidentally shot Derek Jeter. Allen (Will Ferrell) shot his desk. The two of them, left to fill out paperwork for the real heroes, take on a high-profile investigation of dirty businessman, David Ershon (Steve Coogan). Michael Keaton plays the Captain. The Captain tells them repeatedly to lay off Ershon, but they don’t seem to get it.

This is a strange little movie. It has some really funny parts. It’s typical Will Ferrell fodder. A lot of critics hated Mark Wahlberg in this film, but in my opinion, he plays it pretty well. I think one of the the off-putting things for people is that these guys are both idiots. Typically in a buddy cop comedy there is a straight man and an idiot. These guys are both idiots. It’s more like Step Brothers in that respect. With clever dialog like the secretary announcing them to the bad guy Ershon with, “Mr. Ershon, Detective Gamble and the detective who shot Derek Jeter are here to see you!” There are a number of really funny one liners and thrown away gags that are really a crack up. I thought this movie was really funny, and I enjoyed it very much. If you like Farrell’s humor, I think this is pretty good. I think this film is along the lines of “Police Squad/The Naked Gun” series. Michael Keaton is especially funny in this movie in his dry not over the top kind of way, but it’s not a huge part. But when he’s on screen it’s pretty funny. All in all, I gotta recommend this one.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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1 Comment so far »


    Nard4Reynard said

    February 13 2011 @ 7:56 am

    Hmm yeah I think this movie want to say hero rarely becomes popular. The most often case is who we see in TV isn’t a real hero. But we perceive that it is.

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