Movie Rentals Releasing Tuesday Jan 18, 2011

  • Takers
  • Buried
  • Animal Kingdom (Australian)
  • Jack Goes Boating
  • The Virginity Hit

Greetings friends. I’ve noticed a recent trend that also stirs my ire. I’ve noticed more and more DVDs arrive with a full menu. Then when you click on Special Features, another full Menu comes up. You click on “Bloopers” and a notice appears…”This disk is authorized for rental only. To enjoy the special features, you must purchase your own copy of this DVD/BlueRay”. Then you click on “deleted scenes” again a 2 or 3 page list appears with a number of deleted scenes, alternate endings, etc. But when you click on anything, the same message pops up. Ok, so they don’t have special features on the rental copy. But wouldn’t you know it, some of the stuff does work. A “Making of” or some other short is on there. This means that you will want to click on all the items in the special features to see what works and what doesn’t. Now come on. If you insist on screwing the rental customers out of the special features on the disk (at least they used to sometimes offer a special features disk that used up another line in your queue but allowed you to at least see them) is it necessary to put three or four levels of special features MENUS there just to tease us and torture us for not wanting to own a copy of some lame film for all time just to see the blooper reel? Do you really think we will plunk down $24.95 to own a copy of a movie we never want to see again just to see the alternate ending? I don’t think it’s worth irritating your customers just for one or two copies you’re going to sell to someone that just HAS to see something on the Special Features section. I think I’m going to start keeping track of which distributors and studios are doing this. What do you think? Someone should start a “YouTube” channel for on-line special features for disks that don’t have them. 🙂 Till next week. Happy Viewing! –Ed

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