2oth Century Fox

Dwayne Johnson (don’t call him “The Rock” anymore), Ashley Judd, Stephen Merchant, Ryan Sheckler, Seth MacFarlane, Julie Andrews

The most amazing thing about Tooth Fairy is that it DIDN’T SUCK!  Yeah, I was sure it was going to.  But I figured I HAD to see it, so I put it at the top of my queue, and lo and behold, it didn’t suck!

Derek Thompson (ex-Rock) is a minor league hockey player.  We’ll not really a player because his primary role is knocking the teeth out of the opposing team.  Hence, he carries the nickname  “The Tooth Fairy”.  He’s not a very nice guy, and he has a bad habit of dashing kid’s dreams.  “You wanna be a hockey player?  You know what?  There are a thousand kids better than you, and you don’t have a chance”.  That kind of meaness.  But when he dashes a little kids belief in the Tooth Fairy, he’s in for a harsh sentence.  30 days as an actually Tooth Fairy.

Now you’ve seen the previews and ads.  Dewayne Johnson in a pink tutu with wings.  But it’s got heart.   He starts out half hearted and doing a terrible job, but little by little finds out there is some value in having dreams.  And he begins to learn his lesson.

Now why the bat signal never came on when Batman was in the shower or something, I never understood.  He’s always standing there waiting for the bat signal to come on.   But Derek isn’t so lucky.   The pager goes off at the worst possible times.  Maybe that’s part of the punishment.

Now this is not a movie that a bunch of guys would rent, crack open a six pack, and spend Saturday night watching.   It’s a kids movie after all.  But if you have something you’d like to watch WITH your kids, this is great choice.   The kids will love it, but there’s plenty to watch for the ladies and men in the adult kingdom as well.  The ladies will love wathing Derek deal with the complications in his love life, and the guys will enjoy some of the uncomfortable situations that are really funny, and some decent hockey action too.  All in all, it’s a great family togetherness film, and believe it or not, it really DIDN’T SUCK!    Julie Anderews was a pleasure to watch too.  Her role, though small, adds a great deal to the film.


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