Throne Productions,

Denise Boutte, Christian Keyes, Jackie Long, Lily Solange Hewitt, Brianna Dufrene, Douglas O’Neil

A little girl lives with her Mama and misses her Father, but she buys into the whole Christmas thing. So she threatens Santa that unless he brings her what she wants for Christmas, no one is going to get any presents. Dad misunderstands, and dresses up as Santa and comes into the house in the middle of the night, so she’ll see him and believe, and to find out what she really wants. He’s kidnapped by his daughter and tied up not to be released unless he promises to bring what she really wants.

Well, I found this movie on Watch Instantly by Netflix and it sounded like a pretty decent story. But for anyone over about 12, it really isn’t. The comedy is really slapstick, the jokes are flat, and there’s really no storyline to speak of. I don’t think grown-ups are going to be able to sit through this one and I wouldn’t suggest you try. So why am I reviewing it here, as this is not something an adult would likely to choose to watch anyway? I do think there is an audience for this film, and I think it’s the younger folk, especially girls. The angst of spending Christmas with no Dad around is likely to resonate with a lot of kids. I don’t know though, whether it might give them false hope that if you ask Santa for Dad to come home, he’ll make that happen, which could be rather bad I suppose. Dad’s don’t always come back and fall in love all over again via Santa very often. But much like the old Wayne Newton song “Daddy Don’t You Walk So Fast”, occasionally a major even occurs that causes us to re-evaluate our decisions. This is, I think, a pretty cute film for kids, and they can watch it on NetFlix (and I expect other places) for nothing, and I think this might be a good time filler for kids. I think they’d like the “Denis the Menace” style treachery this little girl pulls on her Dad, even knowing it’s probably not a great idea. Mom handles it pretty well, and Dad is only a little bit of a bumbling. From my experience with 5 kids and 10 Grandkids, I think most kids would sit through this and enjoy the experience. So I wanted parents of early teens and pre-teens to be able to consider it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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