** Christmas Under Wraps


Candace Cameron Bure, David O’Donnell, Brian Doyle-Murray, Robert Pine

Lauren (Candace Cameron Bure) is a young woman who has a plan. She’s now officially a doctor, and has plans for her fellowship in Boston as a General Surgeon. Her Dad has connections and she knows she’s a shoe in. But her fiance can’t deal with all the planning and organization and the need to run everything, so he bails. On the same day, she finds out her fellowship was given to someone else. Her mom keeps telling her to listen to her heart once in a while, and when a fellowship adjacent to Anchorage, Alaska opens up, she decided to take it for a few weeks until her Dad can fix the Boston fellowship. Little did she know that it’s WAY adjacent to Anchorage, and she is the only doctor in town. Her life is about to change in a hurry as she learns that the best things in life aren’t always in the plan.

Those who are fans of Candace Cameron Bure is a charming actress and an experienced dancer (Dancing With the Stars), and she loves doing Christmas movies as much as we love seeing her. Last year she did a really great job in the Hallmark film, “Let it Snow”. This year she is in another premier film and it’s another good one! The setting is really beautiful, especially the log cabin she lives in. The townsfolk in a small town like this are also really wonderful, and I sure wanted to go live in this town myself. The story is very well done, and this is certainly the best of the new Christmas films I’ve seen this year. This will be replayed on Hallmark throughout the season, and will probably be repeated in future years. Be sure to catch this one, as it’s quite unique. No Scrooges here who need to be redeemed, no romances that go south only to be saved in the end, (although I must admit the romance angle is pretty good) and the “is this guy really Santa or not?” that ruins a lot of Christmas stories (when we find out he is the REAL Santa) doesn’t mess this one up. The question bothers Lauren, but she’s not going to get an answer and neither are we. Very well done, and an excellent Christmas romance with a lot of humor and tons of heart. I highly recommend this one!

[Click Here for the Hallmark page for this film]

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