Shortywood Productions,

Hercules Rossi, Luigi Francis Shorty Rossi, Mackenzie Phillips, Kathy Garver, Arturo Gil, Marc McClure, Anthony Robinson

Hercules is a very special dog who lives with Santa at the North Pole. He’s tasked to find 12 year old Max Moogle (Anthony Robinson) and turn him from the naughty list to the nice list. Max takes him to the North Pole to stand trial and convince them to put him on the nice list. But an evil guy wants to kidnap Hercules and take his magic collar, and Max ends up having to fight to rescue Hercules with the help of some of Santa’s helpers.

Ok. This is a corny movie. It’s got a talking dog, and the dog is probably the best actor of the bunch. But it’s a really cute Christmas story and it’s live action. So many of the children’s Christmas movies are animated, which is fine, but it’s nice to see a decent live action film for a change. Similar to the typical “saves Christmas” movies, this has a lot of the same schtick, but that’s half the fun of Christmas stories. This is definitely designed for the kiddies, and would be fine to watch with the whole family.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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