Hallmark Movies & Mysteries,

Jill Wagner, Luke Macfarlane, Lauren Guci

When Maggie (Jill Wagner) was a girl, her father walked out on them at Christmas breaking her mother’s heart. Now Maggie is a single Mom who is a divorce attorney with a little boy, Jordon (Lauren Guci) who is anxious for Christmas to arrive. But Maggie’s husband also chose Christmas to walk out on them, so Maggie has very little interest in Christmas, to say the least. Jordon is having trouble in school however, so Maggie and her mom decide it might be best to hire a tutor for Jordan and the principal recommends Casey (Luke Macfarlane) who runs the local eatery but also tutors students. Cases and Jordan get along well, but Maggie is a very hard nut to crack until a major unexpected bit of knowledge turns everything upside down.

This is a really wonderful Christmas tale and one that is very touching. I guess I’m a sucker for interesting plot twists and turns, and this is a really great story which makes it easier to build a great movie when the starting point is so well done. Jill Wagner is very proper and uptight, though she can fight for the right, and believes in marriage even though it turned bad both to her mother and herself. Lauren Guci is a really good Jordon, trying to survive and hoping that his Mom can somehow be happy again. But Luke Macfarlane really nails it is his role as Casey, the gentle teacher who shows kindness and concern from the bottom of his heart. He is very touching in his role and was a pleasure to watch. All in all, this is an amazing mystery story heavy into fate and chances and is a very good entry into this years batch of Holiday films. Try not to miss this one.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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