Charley Gap Films, Lost World Pictures

Kelly Washington, Amanda Waters, Joanna Daniel, Glennellen Anderson, Joy Chapman, Dave Blamy, David Topp, ben Winchell, Craig Reuben, Gezell Fleming, Given Sharp, Claudia Crawford, Ken Smith, Alaina Hendricks

Mandie is thrust into the life at an exclusive high society boarding school for girls and is having a hard time adjusting. The year is 1900, and Miss Heathwood’s school is very strict and requires the girls to follow numerous rules and regulations. When the girls hear strange noises in the attic, which is forbidden, they want to find out what is up there, but they are not allowed to investigate. But Mandie (Kelly Washington) isn’t easily discouraged, and she may be able to solve a mystery of a long forgotten Christmas is she can figure out what’s going on up there. No matter how many times she’s been warned to leave it alone, Mandie just won’t give it up.

This film is a pretty cute period piece. The girls of the boarding school are cute and typical of the kids of the era. Always anxious for a mystery and excited for adventure, they keep the film moving along. They get into trouble, but are good hearted, and trying to do the right things. I enjoyed the movie, mostly due to the period costumes and attitudes of the time. If you are familiar with the other “Mandie” movies, or the books that they are based on, then this is a must see. But if you, like me, are not familiar with the series, it’s still very enjoyable to watch. This is a warm and friendly Christmas film and very well worth watching.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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** Mandie and the Forgotten Christmas (2011), 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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