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Nick Stahl, Rose McGowan, Amy Smart, Ben Marten, Kim Grimaldi, Brian Lynner, Justin Marxen, James Serpento, Jack Mishler, Shane Simmons

Dylan (Nick Stahl) is a young man who works in a funeral home. On a bet, and to satisfy his morbid curiosity, decides to fake his death to see if anyone will show up for his funeral. His feeling is that no one will show up, but two ladies do. Charlie (Rose McGowan) is a street junkie whom Dylan befriends, and Natalie (Amy Smart) is his old high school sweetheart who abandoned him years before. As Dylan is shocked that these two show up, he begins to try to unravel a mystery that destroyed his life 10 years ago. Supernatural forces bring this trio into a mystery that is up to Dylan to resolve.

A lot of people hated this movie. I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as it seems. It is a bit unusual, but that’s the plan. The ending is a bit of a surprise, and it is a bit confusing to keep up with what’s going on. But the acting is pretty decent and the story is really creepy. At the final scene in the cemetery all will be made clear, but unless you are a really good guesser, you probably won’t see it coming. This is a “Watch Instantly” film from Netflix, and was not a great movie, but not nearly as bad as many people thought. Probably one of those movies that you need to invest the time to watch to get the payoff. If you watch the first third of the film and give up, then you just haven’t given it enough of a chance. By the ending it’s pretty decent. It has a horror flavor, but is mostly a dramatic character study.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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