** My One Christmas Wish

Entertainment One Television,

Amber Riley, Matreya Fedor, Jarod Joseph, Priscilla Faia, Camille Sullivan, Ali Skovbye

Jackie Turner (Amber Riley) is a college student who is very lonely. Her family is broken and she is all alone for the holidays, again. She’s an excellent student and is given the assignment, against her wishes, to monitor a group of troubled students who have been in trouble and are assigned to this group. With the urging of her best friend, Jackie decides to enter an add on Craig’s List for her one Christmas Wish, to have a family to share Christmas with. But with all the trials and tribulations of the group, together they decide to make is into something move.

This new for 2015 uplifting movie from UP TV is a heartwarming story of the lonely side of the holidays. A lot of people don’t have a family to share the season with, and find themselves very sad and depressed for the holidays. With the help of her new found friends, she’s able to put together the pieces and find some comfort in the season. Amber (You might remember her from Glee) does an excellent job in this role. Her energy keeps the story flowing. The students in the group are really flawed. They do a good job of playing the troubled young ones. There is a special scene where Jackie tries to find her father. Her visit is very moving. All in all, UP TV has brought to the screen a moving story of the darker side of the holidays.

Here is the home page for this UP TV film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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