Marvista Entertainment,

Brandon Routh, Kimberly Sustad, Marilee White, Stephanie Bennett, Chelsea Hobbs, Sean Tyson, Dalias Blake, Gregory Harrison

Zachary (Brandon Routh) is a Fireman. He’s a bit of a playboy and has no plans to settle down. But when a kitten adopts him, he decides to get rid of it. He meets Marilee (Kimberly Sustad) who is a true cat lover and who is in trouble with her landlady for having a cat in her apartment. Zachary flips houses in his spare time, and has a room with an external entrance that he’s willing to let Marilee use until she finds something permanent, but as time passes, Zach decides that maybe the playboy lifestyle is getting old and not as fulfilling as it used to be.

This premier Hallmark Christmas film is new for 2014. It’s a pretty standard romantic comedy with a little to do with the Christmas season. It’s funny though, and the characters are very likable. Zachary’s obsession with the “signs” of what’s happening between him and Marilee are hysterical, especially with all the ribbing given him by his mostly married co-workers at the station house. Marilee has some issues as well, and with the usual problems, misunderstandings, and stubbornness, this pair tries to work their way through the holiday season. It’s not a spectacular new movie, but it is another really decently done Christmas film that is well worth the time to watch it. Though it’s available on DVD, this is probably a one time view on Hallmark Channel since it’s being repeated all season. Catch it if you’re a fan of romantic holiday comedies.

[Click Here for the Hallmark Channel page for this film]

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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