** Christmas Trade

Brand Inc. Entertainment,

Denise Richards, William Baldwin, Tom Arnold, Jennifer Grant, Michael Campion, Montana Marks, Veronica Lavery, Anne Stedman, Victor Browne, Shawn Huff, Brent Huff, Morissa O’Mara. Brice Fisher, Carly Peeters, Pamela Drake Wilson,

Mitch Taylor (William Baldwin) is a single Dad doing his best with his son Robbie (Michael Campion) but neither is really that happy. Mitch has a new girl friend Chloe (Denise Richards) but he keeps there seriousness of their relationship secret from Robbie since he still misses his Mother and may not be ready for Dad to have a new gal in his life. They both resent each other and each thinks the other has a cake walk of a life. But when a mysterious bear appears on the back seat of their car, the two wish they had the life of the other. The bear speaks the “Your wish is granted” line and promptly breaks down. Suddenly the two have switched places, and Robbie is now in his Dad’s body as they each have to find out that they really do like each other and have underestimated each others difficulties as the struggle to get by until a friendly toy maker Gus (Tom Arnold) can get the parts and repair the bear.

Christmas Freaky Friday??? Of course it is. But I don’t remember seeing a Christmas version before, so that may be something new. I doubt it though, as after all these years of developing Christmas stories for Christmas on TV, someone must have done a Freaky Friday thing for Christmas. Billy Baldwin may not be the most prominent member of the Baldwin boys, but he actually does a really good job of playing his son once they do the switch. Actually both do a really good job playing each other, and it really does work. It’s quite funny once they swap places and they get in to some pretty humorous jams as each other. Denise Richards is a splendid actress who is largely wasted here in a small role as Mitch’s girl friend, but she really nails it, even though it’s a smaller part. She does a great job as well. All in all, it’s a fun movie, and certainly not a great film or anything, but it was a joy to watch. There are many better films out this year in the class of 2015, but this one wasn’t that bad either. It’s clever and charming little film, so keep an eye out for it this year. And the younger folks, maybe pre-teen age will probably really enjoy it.

Here is the Home Page for UP TV’s “Christmas Trade”

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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