Synthetic Filmwerx,
Claire Coffee, Ryan McPartlin, Gabrielle Dennis, Jeff Ward
NYC ad exec Holly Maddux (Claire Coffee) has a dream of perfection. Perfect job, perfect home, and perfect boyfriend. Her job is very stressful, and now she’s on a deadline to come up with a perfect ad before Christmas. On a tight deadline, she passes a store window every day and dreams of the perfect setting in the window. One day she falls and strieks her head, and when she wakes up with a gorgeous man bending over her to try to help. Turns out he’s absolutely perfect. But as the days pass, he may be a bit too perfect. He changes everything in her life, and when she meets his parents, they are just as overbearing as he is. She’s got to somehow learn, that perfect isn’t a great as she thought, and perhaps the flawed co-worker striving to help her with this project is better than her new beau Bo.
This is another new Lifetime movie for 2012. Boy there are a lot of new Christmas movies every year. It’s interesting how many premier one time and disappear and how some repeat year after year after year. This is not a bad film. It has a bit of a twist ending, much like another story about a little girl from Kansas who takes a cyclone ride. The twist probaly is no surprise to anyone, but it is a rather cute holiday film. It’s not very unique in the plot, but every Christmas story that could ever be made has already been made, so like listening to the new versions of the same old Christmas Carols, we get to watch new faces redo the same stories with new faces. But this is a decent holiday tale that’s fun to watch, and just as good as most of the holiday movies. With touches of humor and bits of romance, it’s a good addition to the holiday schedule
The home page for this 2012 Holiday film is here.
** Holly's Holiday (2012),