Wulf / Gourley Productions,

Luke Perry, Ariana Bagley, Taylor Negron, Jake Ben Suazo, Adam Johnson

Kassie (Ariana Bagley) and her Dad, Paul (Luke Perry), have moved to a new town where Kassie doesn’t know anyone. She rescues a police dog whom she names Scoot, and throws herself into raising money for needy Children. But there are a couple bumbling thieves who are out to steal all the money they raised, and it’s up to the her and the schoolmates to foil the thieves and to make sure the money gets where it’s supposed to go.

This is a very heartwarming movie with a lot of random things going for it. It’s very like the old 60’s Disney live action movies. There were many of these, “Apple Dumpling Gang” comes to mind, but there were many. Later this idea was borrowed by “Home Alone”. But what this movie has is Luke Perry for the gaggle of fans he has accrued over the ages, and it’s a dog story for all the dog fans. Seriously though, this is not in any way a big movie. But it’s a really nice family film very reminiscent of the afore mentioned Disney films. It’s a nice family film, and an enjoyable and satisfying Christmas story. Way off the beaten path, this is easy to find, and would be a great addition to your family’s Christmas cheer.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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