** The Christmas Spirit

Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA), Soundchef Studios,

Nicollette Sheridan, Olympia Dukakis, Sammi Hanratty, Bart Johnson

Charlotte (Nicollette Sheridan) is a journalist, but due to the fact that she gets too involved in her stories, she’s home with her family in a small town for the holidays. I big real estate developer has arrived and wants to revitalize the town and renovate everything. They are harboring a secret, and Charlotte can sense something is wrong, so she sets out to get the story and to protect the town. On the way to visit the developer, she’s in a serious car accident, and though her body is in a coma, her spirit is up and free to roam around. But no one can see her. She finds that the car who ran into her was driven by the developer, and he’s also in a coma. In order to return to life, they have to figure out the right thing to do and help to convince the town to make the right choices. However, the developer, though she’s attracted to him, is fighting her all the way.

This new Hallmark film for 2013 is a rather cute little story. It was not the greatest Christmas movie of all time, but it was a bit different and kind of interesting. I enjoyed the story, even though it was really predictable, but what Christmas movie isn’t, really? Olympia Dukakis played an interesting character here, as the only one with the ability to see the spirit. Part Haley Joel Osment from The Sixth Sense, and part Whoppee Goldberg from Ghost, she’s actually pretty funny and a great addition to the film. The rest of the performances are just adequate, but it’s not all that bad. It will be on Hallmark all month long, so if you get a chance to catch it, it’s worth the effort.

Click here for the Hallmark page for this film]

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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