** The Santa Suit (2010)

Chester/Perlmutter Productions

Kevin Sorbo, Jennifer Gibson, Sophia Ewaniuk, Brianna Daquanno, Randy Thomas, Jodie Dowdall, Darrell Faria, Kaelan Meunier

Drake Hunter (Kevin Sorbo) has inherited Hunter Toys from his father.  His father was a kind, hard working, but well loved leader, but his son has changed everything.  He’s mean, he’s cheap, he’s turned the factory into a maker of cheap crap that nobody wants.  He’s got no Christmas spirit and does nothing for the employees.  No bonuses, no Christmas party.  He’s training a group of Santas how to push Hunter toys.  But one of the trainees is not expected and his name is on the list.  He stops to talk to Drake, and suddenly Drake appears as Santa (in a Santa suit) to everyone he meets.  Trying to get back into his office forces them to call the cops, and after appearing to the judge (as Santa) he agrees to stay in a shelter and take work as a department store Santa in the meantime.  He needs time to learn his lesson.

A mysterious girl who never speaks but shows up every day drives him batty.  He knows that she wants something from him, but he can’t figure out what it could be.  

This is a brand new film for this season, and is a very good Christmas story.  There is a great deal of emotion, and it’s a very touching story.  I suspect it will be a very popular film this year and for many years to come.  It’s very very touching in many ways.  Search it out if possible, there story is very engaging.  What Drake has to learn is a very harsh lesson indeed!

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